1. Style of education

The school aims to provide modern all-around education with special emphasis on moral and ethics instruction as well as physical education, nurturing character building, tolerance and co-operation, striving for excellence in every field of endeavour.

Maximum opportunities will be provided in the campus to encourage initiatives, self-reliance and leadership qualities. Special efforts will be made to identify special abilities and talents of all the students.

2. Co-curricular activities
The co-curricular activities are designed to stimulate the interest of the students in hobbies and provide opportunities for self-expression thereby ensuring the formation of balanced and integrated personalities. These activities are conducted through the following clubs which monitor the activities.
1.    English literary club
2.    Hindi literary club
3.    Science club
4.    Eco club
5.    Fine Arts club
6.    Cubs and Bulbuls
7.    Scouts and Guides
8.    Reader club
9.    Sports club
10.    School band
11.    School choir
In order to ensure the development of the total personality of the students, the school provides ample opportunities for the students to engage themselves in a wide variety of co-curricular activities.
These include
•    Sports & Games:  Opportunities for playing various games and sports are provided in the school under the guidance of qualified instructors.
•    Karate club: Learning in this class of Martial Arts is offered as an optional learning for boys and girls of classes I to VIII – twice a week.
•    Eco club : Through the Eco Club activities, the love for the nature and pollution free environment is instilled in the students.
•    Fine Arts club : As part of the cultural/artistic training of the students, special instruction will be available in Indian dancing, classical, vocal and instrumental music.
•    Readers club : This is a wing of the department of Library Science and the Department of English. It inculcates reading habits, posters creative expression through book review etc
•    3. Mediam of instruction

The medium of instruction is English, English is the First Language.

Languages will be taught at higher level (second Language)
1. Hindi    2. Kannada

Languages taught at lower level (second Language)
1. Hindi    2. Kannada

3. Curriculam

The School provides the curriculum of learning as recommended by the NCERT in accordance with the norms of CBSE.
Pre – Primary (LKG & UKG)
1.    English reading
2.    English writing
3.    English Dictation
4.    Phonetic drilling
5.    Number work
6.    Story – telling
7.    Recitation
8.    General Conversation
9.    Physical training
10.    Play Park outdoor games
11.    Indoor games
12.    *Language – Kannada/Hindi (*Language Compulsory from UKG)
13.    Activity classes
14.    Computer science ( from UKG)
15.    Smart class
16.    Dance
17.    Drawing
18.    Value Education

1.    English – structural and functional English (includes reading and copy writing)
2.    Second language –Kannada / Hindi.
3.    Environmental science
4.    General science
5.    Mathematics
6.    Social Science
7.    Drawing / Art and craft
8.    Value Education /Catechism
9.    Physical Training
10.  Indoor Games
11.  Computer science
12.  Third Language Kannada/ Hindi.
13.  Singing, Music & Dance, Karate, Chess, yoga.
14.  General knowledge.
15.  Environmental education

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