Investiture Ceremony

Nazareth Central School, Balmatta, aims at training individuals to shoulder responsibilities and uphold high standards of conduct while discharging responsibilities with self-discipline.

The school organised the Investiture Ceremony for the session 2022-23 to keep the splendour and bestow honour on the newly elected Student Council, Sports and clubs. The newly appointed Prefectorial Board marched impressively with colourful school band and were inducted into their duties. The ceremonial pinning of badges and handing over of sashes to the Council members was solemnized by the Correspondent and the Principal of Nazareth Central School Rev Sr. Marceline D’Souza, and Head of Computer Science Department Rev. Sr. Elizabeth Rani, FSM.





The School choir presented a befitting start to the programme with a hymn glorifying God. Rev. Sr. Elizabeth Rani, FSM reflected over the Holy Scripture and motivated the students to be dedicated and committed to their goals in order to fulfil their dreams. The School Principal administered the oath and blessed the Student Council Members with her deep and igniting words of message. Be a role model to others.

The School Head Boy, Abdul Rahman Izhanand School Head Girl, Devika Shaji expressed their gratitude to the management and staff for reposing faith in them. They humbly assured that they would give their best in collaboration with their team and prove their mettle as leaders.The programme was meticulously and professionally compered by KumariSneha P Shibu and Master Feraz Ahmed. Following the vote of thanks delivered byKumari Rhea Diveena Lobo. The impressive Programme was witnessed by the Religious sisters, Staff and the entire students’ body.

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