The Kindergarten sports day at Nazareth School campus was held on 8th December 2023. It was a fun day focusing on promoting physical activity and healthy competition. Children enthusiastically took part in sports activities.

The event began with assembly prayer, drill and exercises. The Principal, Rev. Sr. Marceline Dsouza declared the Sports Meet open by a few inspiring and encouraging words.

The first event was for the Pre KG boys and girls by picking the chocolates, balancing the cup with straw, hairband race, bag race. For LKG boys and girls- running race, bottle race, hopping race and blowing the balloon. For UKG boys and girls- Lemon and spoon race, passing the hat, musical chair, throwing ball in the basket and bombing the city. Children participated with great enthusiasm in the various fun games that the teachers had planned for them.

The Kindergarten events drew to a close with taking the limelight after the little Kindergarteners thrilled everyone with their energetic and spirited show.

With favourable climate, enthusiastic children and teachers, the Kindergarten sports day was a wonderful event.

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