Karnataka Rajyotsava was celebrated at Nazareth school Balmatta, with great vigour enthusiasm. The Principal Rev.Sr.Marceline Dsouza was welcomed traditionally. The programme began with a prayer song by the students. The principal inaugurated the programme by unfurling the flower of areca tree, which is also a local culture. Students melodiously sang Nada Geethe. The significance of the day was highlighted by Kshithij of grade 8. The Principal called upon the students to love and respect their mother tongue, learn it to its perfection and not to forget their mother language in their life.

The students spread the fragrance of kannada language with their spectacular dance performance which left the audience spellbound. The event generated a sense of pride in the minds of the students for being a part of a culture that is so rich and vibrant. Ashwin Kumar welcomed the gathering; Kian proposed the vote of thanks and Krupa D. compered the programme beautifully.









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