The farewell ceremony for Grade 10 students at Nazareth School Auditorium on February 10th at 10.00a.m was a touching and memorable went marking the culmination of their journey at school. The morning began with the MC’s warm introduction setting the stage for what would be on emotional and nostalgic occasion. A solemn prayer followed, seeking blessings for the departing students as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives. The school administration then extended a heartfelt welcome to all attendees, emphasizing the significance of the occasion.

The lighting of the lamp ceremony was conducted, accompanied by the recitation of the pledge, reaffirming the student’s commitment to their values. A pigment memory PPT presentation followed, showcasing cherished moments from the student’s time at Nazareth School.

Emotions ran high as students bid farewell through a heartfelt song and energetic dance performance. Teachers shared heartfelt messages and distributed mementos, while selected students expressed their gratitude and reflections on the time at the school.

Words of wisdom were imported by the school correspondent and Principal, encouraging the students to pursue their dreams with determination. The event concluded with a vote of thanks and the singing of the national anthem, symbolizing unity and patriotism.

Post celebration, students and staff were provided lunch which spread love and joy among the students and staff.


























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